Bond Hill Academy
Volunteers are Welcome!
We love our volunteers! From giving their time in the classroom to planning and coordinating special events to everything in between, our volunteers help make our schools a richer, stronger learning environment. Interested in learning more about how you can make a measurable difference in the lives of our students? Contact: Resource Coordinator Leslie Henry, (513) 363-7928, Parent Coordinator Lynn Nettles, (513) 363-7925, or Lynne Nettles in the FamiliesFORWARD office, (513) 363-7925.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have many volunteer opportunities available: classroom readers, chaperones, tutors, classroom station helpers, lunchroom aides and more!
Not sure if volunteering is for you? Check out these great reasons to give it a try:
- National Education Administration statistics indicate that school-aged children whose parents have high levels of involvement in their schools, are more likely to earn high grades and less likely to have ever repeated a grade.
- Make connections and gain references — volunteering is a great way to add work-related experience to your resume!
- When students feel supported at home and at school, they develop more positive attitudes about school, have more self-confidence, and place a higher priority on academic achievement.
- Kids develop better social skills and show improved behavior when their parents are involved at school.
- It sets a great example for students.
- You will enjoy it, making a difference and helping the community feels good!