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Math and Science Discovery Program

In the 21st century, careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are in high demand. Bond Hill Academy's new Math and Science Discovery program strengthens students' skills to compete in a global market.

Designed curriculum for students in grades 3-6, Bond Hill Academy’s Math and Science Discovery program focuses on connecting math and science to students’ everyday lives. Students will engage in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity as they study and analyze real-world scenarios in math and science. They will leave Bond Hill Academy at the end of the sixth grade confident in who they are and prepared to pursue exciting careers in fields such as electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, biotechnology, environmental science, information technology and statistics.

Bond Hill Academy students will benefit from:

  • A technology-driven environment, which includes two state-of-the-art science/inquiry labs
  • Full-time, on-site math and science coaches
  • Two full-time preschool classes
  • Two full-time kindergarten classes
  • A full-time resource coordinator who secures community partners with a wealth of mental, cognitive and character supports to help students succeed
  • Mentorship and tutoring support from community partners, such as Messer Construction, Mercy Health, the Cincinnati Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, GE Aviation, Books Alive Program and the Foster Grandparents Program
  • Extensive after-school and extracurricular programs focused on academic achievement, social development and club activities
  • Small class sizes and individualized attention
  • Summer learning enrichment programs
  • Accessibility to Talbert House, a social service agency
  • School-based health clinic
  • Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO)